How To Get An Artisanal Mining License In Zambia


For any consultations call Copper Crest Trading Limited and they will help you get an artisanal mining license in Zambia, call Copper Crest Trading Limited on +260 771 701 655 or email : .

How To Get An Artisanal Mining License In Zambia
Getting an artisanal mining license in Zambia involves several steps:

  1. Understand the Requirements: You must be a Zambian citizen or a legal entity registered in the country. There's also an application fee and you'll need to develop a business plan outlining your mining activities, including the minerals you intend to extract, how you'll do it, and how you plan to protect the environment. Finally, you'll need proof of land rights or permission from the landowner to mine on their property.
  2. Consult the Ministry: The Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development (MMMD) is your primary resource. They can provide guidelines, application forms, and answer any questions you may have. Their website might be helpful, but it's always best to speak to a person directly.
  3. Prepare the Documents: Gather all the required documents, including your business plan, proof of land rights, and any environmental assessments you may need.
  4. Submit the Application: Once you have everything in order, submit your application along with the required fee to the MMMD.
  5. Review and Approval: The Ministry will review your application, which may involve site visits and further assessments. They will then notify you of their decision.

Here are some additional resources that you might find helpful: