How To Get An Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) in Zambia


Getting an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) in Zambia involves following a process regulated by the Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) There are two main categories of ESIA, depending on the potential impact of your project:

  1. Environmental Project Brief (EPB): This is for projects with minimal environmental and social impacts.
  2. Environmental Impact Statement (EIS): This is for projects with potentially significant environmental and social impacts.

Here's a general overview of the process:

  1. Screening: ZEMA will first screen your project to determine if it requires an EPB or EIS.
  2. Preparing the ESIA: You'll need to appoint qualified professionals to prepare the ESIA report according to ZEMA's guidelines. This will involve collecting baseline environmental and social data, identifying potential impacts, proposing mitigation measures, and consulting with stakeholders.
  3. Submission and Review: The ESIA report is submitted to ZEMA for review. ZEMA may request additional information or revisions.
  4. Public Disclosure: For EIS reports, ZEMA will publicly disclose the report for comments.
  5. Approval: Once ZEMA is satisfied with the ESIA, they will issue a decision to approve or reject the project.

Here are some resources that can help you further:

  • Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) - Environmental Impact Assessment:
  • Environmental Impact Assessment Process in Zambia - UNEP Document Repository: [environmental impact assessment process in zambia ON United Nations Environment Programme]

Remember, it's advisable to consult with environmental professionals familiar with Zambian regulations to ensure your ESIA meets all the requirements. For any consultations call Copper Crest Trading Limited and they will help you with your ESIA, call Copper Crest Trading Limited on +260 771 701 655 or email : .