Emeralds In Zambia! Are Zambian Emeralds Worth Buying?


Zambian emeralds are worth buying for several reasons:

1. Quality: Zambian emeralds are known for their exceptional quality. They are renowned for their rich, vibrant green color, which is often described as "deep grass green" or "bluish-green." These emeralds tend to have high transparency and excellent clarity, making them visually appealing gemstones.

2. Color: Zambian emeralds often exhibit a distinct bluish-green hue, which sets them apart from emeralds from other sources. This unique color is highly sought after by collectors and gemstone enthusiasts.

3. Size: Zambian emeralds are frequently found in larger sizes compared to emeralds from other locations. This means that Zambian emeralds can offer a greater carat weight at a more affordable price compared to smaller emeralds from other sources.

4. Durability: Emeralds are relatively hard gemstones, and Zambian emeralds are no exception. They have a Mohs hardness of 7.5 to 8, making them suitable for everyday wear in jewelry pieces such as rings, earrings, and pendants.

5. Ethical Mining Practices: The Zambian government has made efforts to regulate and enforce responsible mining practices in the emerald mining industry. This helps ensure that the emeralds are sourced in an ethical and sustainable manner, reducing the environmental impact and promoting fair labor practices.

6. Rarity: While not as well-known as Colombian emeralds, Zambian emeralds are still considered relatively rare. Their unique color and quality make them a desirable choice for collectors and individuals looking for something distinctive.

7. Investment Potential: High-quality Zambian emeralds have shown a history of value appreciation over time. Investing in rare gemstones can be an alternative investment strategy, and Zambian emeralds with exceptional characteristics can potentially retain or increase their value in the future.

When purchasing Zambian emeralds or any gemstone, it's important to ensure you buy from reputable sources, such as trusted jewelers or dealers who can provide proper certification and disclose the gemstone's characteristics and any enhancements. Consult Copper Crest Trading Ltd with regards to purchasing Gold, Emeralds or Copper In Zambia. Copper Crest Trading Ltd has a mineral trading license and has vast experience in helping clients obtain authentic minerals in Zambia. Contact Copper Crest Trading Ltd (Email : coppercresttrading@gmail.com Call: +260 771 701 655).